Thursday, 7 November 2013


            Steve Jobs had led one of the most interesting, successful yet challenging lives as an entrepreneur. Steve Jobs is a maverick entrepreneur from being he fired from his own company which he founded. Then he returns back to the helm and revolutionize the digital products and services industry.

             In ‘The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs’, there are the four core principles of Jobs’ core business philosophy and how others can adapt it. Firstly, do what you love. Following your passion might sound like a soft skill, but Steve Jobs has said it's responsible for much of his success. Jobs was once asked point-blank what advice he would give a young entrepreneur looking for career advice. Secondly, put a dent in the universe. In 1976, when Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple, Jobs' vision was to put a computer in the hands of everyday people. He knew immediately that the technology would make computers appealing to "everyday people.

            Thirdly, kick start your brain. Creativity leads to innovative ideas. For Steve Jobs, creativity is connecting things, Jobs believes that a broad set of experiences expands our understanding of the human experience. Fourthly, sell dreams, not products. To Steve Jobs, people who buy Apple products are not "consumers." They are people with hopes, dreams and ambitions. He builds products to help people achieve their dreams. 

                  From my point of view, Steve Jobs enhance the support of both the consumer market by presenting nicely designed innovative products. He is creating new platforms that have allowed people and households to be a part of the vast Apple products eco-system. For example, he has invented iPod Nano, iPhone 4, iPad and so on. It is a simple innovation which can create deeper, emotional and connection to the customers. The creativity and innovation of Steve Jobs create more potential entrepreneur as the technology of the product keep increasing. 

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